AI-powered copy testing at scale

Growth teams know that large scale copy testing sucks time and effort. Copybara automates copy testing and churns out winning ads and landing pages.

Copybara Robot Bandit
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“What are we not testing? What do we not know?”
Every Growth Team Lead

Speed up copy testing and learning

One A/B test can take 2-3 weeks to run to significance and generates just one learning. With Copybara, you can run and learn from hundreds of ad and landing page copy tests in days. No engineers required.

Automate copy testing (with control)

Copy testing is manual which makes it impractical at scale. With an always-on learning loop, Copybara re-allocates traffic hourly to maximize conversion lift from each experiment. Control copy generation by aligning to your brand and legal guidelines. Approve or reject any copy, but only if you want.

Rack up wins in the background

Copy testing often gets deprioritized to big swing testing. Accumulate copy wins over time, share those learnings across teams, and justify testing more ad and landing page copy.

So how does this actually work?

Share marketing channels, brand and legal guidelines during onboarding

Add the Copybara script tag to your landing page(s)

Copybara’s AI model analyzes your page and generates copy variations

As visitors land on your page from different channels, Copybara learns and improves the copy

Accumulate copy wins over time

Features for growth nerds

(it’s ok, we’re nerds too)

Copy generation based on your brand and legal guidelines
Copy optimization shifts traffic to your winning copy
Continuous learning over time
Consistent messaging from ad to landing page
Personalize copy by audience and channel
Easy to launch
Data privacy

You should be testing more

Oftentimes we are busy doing more complicated things and there are a lot of wins that we probably overlook.
Mark Fernandes
Senior Director, Jobcase
Easy way to justify spending time on the copy stuff and accumulate wins over time.
Jesse Curran
Senior Growth Marketing Analyst, Jobcase

Automate your copy testing. Churn out winning ads and landing pages.Accumulate wins over time.

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