Find what speaks to you
$3,000per month
Unlimited seat licenses
Unlimited copy iterations
Up to 500,000 pageviews/month
Up to 5 landing pages
Up 10 ad campaigns
$6,000per month
Unlimited seat licenses
Unlimited copy iterations
Up to 1M pageviews/month
Up to 10 landing pages
Up 20 ad campaigns
$10,000per month
Unlimited seat licenses
Unlimited copy iterations
Custom plan
Dedicated account manager
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Copybara a good fit for my company?
If you’re trying to scale your copy testing and get traffic of 100,000/month or more on the pages that you want to optimize, then yes.
How do you define a conversion?
A conversion is an action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad (e.g. clicks on an ad or views a video ad) and then takes an action that you've defined as valuable to your business, such as making an online purchase or filling out a form. During onboarding, we’ll confirm the specific pages and elements to test and define conversions as they relate to your company.
What kinds of website pages do you support?
We work with any kind of webpage that supports Javascript. This includes virtually all no-code website tools and landing page builders, including Webflow, Wordpress, Unbounce, and many others. We also work with most custom pages, including pages written in React, Next, and Vue. We generally do not work with AMP, as those pages do not support loading scripts.
How is this different from A/B testing?
Hour by hour, Copybara re-allocates traffic to maximize the conversion lift you’re getting on each experiment. This is in contrast to an A/B test where you typically have to let it run for 2-3 weeks to get to significance.
What data do you collect and how do you keep it safe?
We collect anonymous, aggregated click and pageview data that’s needed to evaluate conversions. We do not collect or store any PII.
How do you ensure that the copy generated complies with our brand and legal guidelines?
During onboarding, you will be able to share your brand and legal guidelines, review sample copy options and provide feedback. As Copybara generates new copy, you’ll have the option to manually approve each new variant.
What is your onboarding process and how long does it take?
Onboarding takes 2 weeks and includes both copy calibration and technical integration. During copy calibration, you’ll share your brand guidelines, review sample copy options and provide initial feedback. During technical integration, you’ll add the Copybara script to your page(s), preferably in the <head> section of the pages that you want to optimize and in those pages with conversion actions. We’ll confirm the specific pages and elements to test and define conversions.
Does the Copybara script add latency to mypages?
No, Copybara does not add latency to your existing page load. For copy that we change, we use a geographically distributed set of servers located near clients to minimize latency. The script is only a few kilobytes, and we only make one round trip.
How will the landing page change withCopybara?
Copybara will only change the copy sections that you choose. You can (but you don’t have to) change all the copy on a given page. Hour by hour, Copybara reallocates traffic to maximize the conversion lift you’re getting on each experiment. As customers convert, Copybara’s AI model shifts more traffic to the winning copy options and stops sending traffic to copy options that failed during testing. When an option fails, Copybara replaces it with a new option.
Can Copybara update landing pages to match the ad campaigns we run?
Yes! Copybara can sync the landing page copy to match the themes of your advertising so your messaging stays consistent for each user. Without Copybara, you’d have to do this manually which is impossible at scale.

You should be testing more

Oftentimes we are busy doing more complicated things and there are a lot of wins that we probably overlook.
Mark Fernandes
Senior Director, Jobcase
Easy way to justify spending time on the copy stuff and accumulate wins over time.
Jesse Curran
Senior Growth Marketing Analyst, Jobcase

Automate your copy testing. Churn out winning ads and landing pages.Accumulate wins over time.

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